PEMF and seed germination, how you can publish case studies in JoSaM
Bob and Mark talk about the effects of PEMF on seed germination rate, as well as how people can publish individual case studies on our peer-reviewed scientific journal: the Journal of Science and Medicine (JoSaM). For people with a good set of data and observations, the staff at fluxhealth and JoSaM can help you write, edit, and then publish your case study.
Grumpy Science 160: Bob and Mark discuss the use of lobbyists to force inferior medical devices into use.
This is a very grumpy discussion of the fact that one of the main strategies used by low-integrity medical technology developers is to lobby their senator to get legislated mandates to use their very inferior technology (because it has become a law) rather than use the best technology available (which would easily out-compete their Crappy-Tech). These very bad people also play the game of lobbying to deny research funding for competing (and well known to be scientifically and clinically superior) technologies. This is the abuse of politics to defeat good science. And it makes us damn grumpy!
Grumpy Science 159: Bob and Mark discuss the introduction of the new FluxHealth Community and Forum.
Micro-Pulse and BrainGauge are teaming together as FluxHealth. We are the same people, just combining our expertise to continue to bring the very best new technology to health and wellness. We are streamlining fulfillment and inventory control, but we remain a company made up 100% of scientists and engineers... no useless middle-men, no parasites, no money wasted on marketing.
Grumpy Science 158: Bob and Mark discuss the importance of individual case studies and diverse populations
The new journal that we discuss, with case studies for integrative medicine, is located here. The specific doctoral dissertation mentioned by Bob is located here .
Grumpy Science 157: Bob and Mark discuss funerals, and their importance to the advancement of science
The paper that Bob and Mark are discussing, that demonstrates that science indeed advances one funeral at a time, is located here. The new journal that we discuss, with case studies for integrative medicine, is located here.
Grumpy Science 156: Bob and Mark discuss their recent talks at SOPMed 2019 integrative medicine conference
The Grumpy Scientists discuss the their recent scientific meeting: SOPMed 2019, and mention their first initial results of their Crowd Source Science effort. We give an overview of several of our first crowd source studies, including a study on the use of PEMF for urinary incontinence with Tom Lowe of SOPMed, an ICES-PEMF post-usage study with the nursing school at FAU, and an on-going, open study of PAIN in a diverse, unrestricted walk-in population in a pain clinic in El Salvador, under the direction of Dra. Sara Alfaro
Grumpy Science 155: Bob and Mark discuss PAIN - Initial Results of of our Crowd Source Science effort
The Grumpy Scientists discuss the first initial results of their Crowd Source Science effort. This first effort is an on-going, open, study of PAIN in a diverse, unrestricted walk-in population in a pain clinic in El Salvador, under the direction of Dr. Sara Alfaro We discuss the initial results of the study and the finding that cortical measures do track pain and the reduction of pain by various clinical interventions, including PEMF and an energy method known as BARRAS.
Grumpy Science 153: Bob and Mark discuss Crowd Source Science - Part 1
Bob and Mark start by being very Grumpy about the state of science and the institutional requirements for human subjects research, which result in massive costs, years of delay, and ..... not much benefit for society
Grumpy Science 132: Bob and Mark discuss the placebo effect and the cost of pain and welcome guest Jeff
Hugs and kisses for our hater for more information on accuracy and precision
Grumpy Science 130: Bob and Mark discuss pain, the opioid crisis, and surgical lesions of the cortex
Bob and Mark discuss the history of pain research in the brain, the opioid crisis, and surgical lesions of the cortex
Grumpy Science 129: Bob and Mark discuss regulatory issues and the effects of alcohol
Bob and Mark discuss regulatory issues and how they impede innovation and progress, and the effects of alcohol on the developing brain.
Grumpy Science 127: Mark discusses brain imaging and sensitivity with Professor NoWit Taal
Mark discusses brain imaging and sensitivity and data "reliability" with Professor NoWit Taal. Bob mispronounces "dextromethorphan", then physically assaults Prof. NoWit Taal, and finally the discussion takes a turn for the decidedly grumpy.
Grumpy Science 124: Bob and Mark discuss illusory stimulus
Grumpy Science 120: Bob and Mark discuss the little known connection between insulin and the brain
Bob and Mark are the last few members of a dying breed of system physiologists, marked for extinction by academic administrators as a key part of their evil plan to extinguish any sense of The Larger Picture in modern medical research. After spinning out some grumpiness, they discuss the little known connection between insulin and the brain, systems physiology, and brain-body feedback loops.
Grumpy Science 119: Bob and Mark answer emails and discuss neuro-plasticity
Bob Dennis and Mark Tommerdahl discuss science topics related to brain function testing, brain health, PEMF, and various topics.
Grumpy Science 118: Bob and Mark discuss old time science and the plummeting accuracy of brain function tests
Bob and Mark discuss old time science and the plummeting accuracy of brain function tests. For more information on accuracy and precision
Grumpy Science 117: The electro-magnetic spectrum, PEMF pulse shape, and DIY PEMF
Bob and Mark answer another email and discuss the vast number of possible of PEMF protocols, PEMF as it relates to the electro-magnetic spectrum, the importance of PEMF pulse shape, biological responses to electro-magnetism, ICES patents and DIY PEMF.
Grumpy Science 116: Bob and Mark discuss Alzheimers and related topics
Bob Dennis and Mark Tommerdahl discuss science topics related to brain function testing, brain health, PEMF, and various topics.
Grumpy Science 115: Mark and Bob recap the TBI-PEMF study in 2 minutes
Bob and Mark do a lightning recap of the TBI/concussion clinical study using PEMF, that is given in much more detail in the previous video: GS 114.
Grumpy Science 114: TBI, concussion, and PEMF data from a pilot study are discussed
Bob and Mark talk the viewer through the data from several studies in which the Brain Gauge was used to assess TBI/concussion, and track the effects of Micro-Pulse ICES PEMF on chronic TBI/concussion.
Grumpy Science 113: Bob and Mark answer nerdy electronics questions on ICES-PEMF
Bob and Mark nerd-out on geeky electronics questions related to the design details of ICES-PEMF, DIY PEMF, and theories of the relationship of PEMF protocols to in-utero neuromotor activity and developmental biology.
Grumpy Science 112: Mark and Bob channel Mr. Spock to discuss brain plasticity
Bob and Mark discuss the interpretation of scientific papers, p-values, plasticity of the brain, medical hypotheses, Bob channels Mr. Spock to state a probability, and Mark shows graphs to demonstrate dynamic cortical plasticity.
Grumpy Science 111: Bob and Mark answer viewer questions about ICES, full-body PEMF and coil durability
One of our viewers asks questions about ICES PEMF coils, coil arrays, and whole body PEMF machines versus the ICES model C5.
Grumpy Science 110: Bob and Mark talk about brain stimulus-response dynamics, neuroplasticity, and adaptation
Bob and Mark talk about brain stimulus-response dynamics, neuroplasticity, entrainment, and adaptation, and how (unfortunately) many neuroscientists tend to use the tools they have on hand, rather than using the right tools for the job.
Grumpy Science 109: Bob and Mark talk about brain health, and accuracy versus precision of measurements
Bob and Mark discuss the problems and limitations of existing scientific instruments for assessing brain health accurately and high sensitivity, and how the brain gauge overcomes many of these limitations by using somatosensory testing.
Grumpy Science 108: Two Grumpy Scientists talk about the limitations of brain imaging techniques.
Bob and Mark recap previous discussions and then talk about the limitations of different types of brain imaging such as MRI, PET, etc., compared to the Brain Gauge.
Grumpy Science 107: Bob and Mark answer a few questions, and Mark gets a GRUMPY hat from a viewer.
Two grumpy scientists answer questions about brain function, and talk about secret grumpy offers for Cortical Metrics Brain Gauge products, cleverly hidden in the video.
Grumpy Science 106: Mark and Bob answer their first email question and discuss crowd-sourced science
Mark and Bob answer their first email question, and Bob strangulates himself with an unsafe scientific device.
Grumpy Science 105: Bob & Mark discuss self misperception of brain function and old-time research
Bob and Mark discuss the importance and value of brain research from the past and crowd sourced science, "old timey" science, and back-in-the-day brain research.
Grumpy Science 104: How the Brain Gauge works: Advantages of somatosensory testing
Bob and Mark discuss how the Brain Gauge works and the scientific advantages of somatosensory testing over other methods of testing brain function.
Grumpy Science 103: The development of the Brain Gauge
Two grumpy scientists talk about the history of the development of the Brain Gauge scientific instrument, brain noodlin', brain hacking, neuro hacking and brain testing.
Grumpy Science 102: Two grumpy scientists talk about more brain stuff
Bob Dennis and Mark Tommerdahl discuss science topics related to brain health, PEMF, and various topics. The views expressed in this video are just the opinions of Robert Dennis, PhD, and Mark Tommerdahl, PhD. Feel free to disagree.
Grumpy Science 101: Two Grumpy Scientists talk about brain stuff
Bob Dennis and Mark Tommerdahl discuss science topics related to brain health, PEMF, and various topics.