Welcome to Grumpy Science

Bob Dennis and Mark Tommerdahl have been working together for the better part of 15 years. Over the last few, they began meeting late on Friday afternoons for what most people call “happy hour”. Except being a couple of old curmudgeonly guys, they spent most of their time complaining about what’s wrong in the world of science. In other words, happy hour quickly became “grumpy hour”.

They try to make it educational and talk about things that they sort of know about in a semi-entertaining way (well, at least they are entertained!). And of course, they are grumpy about a lot things – in particular, the choke hold that administrative types have put on the scientific efforts of many.

If you have questions that we might be able to answer – then please email us at grumpy@fluxhealth.co with your comments and/or questions (please let us know if you want to remain anonymous “on air”).

We don’t want anyone to have to watch more of us than they necessary to try to find out something factual.

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July 16, 2020

PEMF and seed germination, how you can publish case studies in JoSaM

Bob and Mark talk about the effects of PEMF on seed germination rate, as well as how people can publish individual case studies on our peer-reviewed scientific journal: the Journal of Science and Medicine (JoSaM). For people with a good set of data and observations, the staff at fluxhealth and JoSaM can help you write, edit, and then publish your case study.

March 12, 2020

Grumpy Science 160: Bob and Mark discuss the use of lobbyists to force inferior medical devices into use.

This is a very grumpy discussion of the fact that one of the main strategies used by low-integrity medical technology developers is to lobby their senator to get legislated mandates to use their very inferior technology (because it has become a law) rather than use the best technology available (which would easily out-compete their Crappy-Tech). These very bad people also play the game of lobbying to deny research funding for competing (and well known to be scientifically and clinically superior) technologies. This is the abuse of politics to defeat good science. And it makes us damn grumpy!

June 18, 2019

Grumpy Science 156: Bob and Mark discuss their recent talks at SOPMed 2019 integrative medicine conference

The Grumpy Scientists discuss the their recent scientific meeting: SOPMed 2019, and mention their first initial results of their Crowd Source Science effort. We give an overview of several of our first crowd source studies, including a study on the use of PEMF for urinary incontinence with Tom Lowe of SOPMed, an ICES-PEMF post-usage study with the nursing school at FAU, and an on-going, open study of PAIN in a diverse, unrestricted walk-in population in a pain clinic in El Salvador, under the direction of Dra. Sara Alfaro

June 18, 2019

Grumpy Science 155: Bob and Mark discuss PAIN - Initial Results of of our Crowd Source Science effort

The Grumpy Scientists discuss the first initial results of their Crowd Source Science effort. This first effort is an on-going, open, study of PAIN in a diverse, unrestricted walk-in population in a pain clinic in El Salvador, under the direction of Dr. Sara Alfaro We discuss the initial results of the study and the finding that cortical measures do track pain and the reduction of pain by various clinical interventions, including PEMF and an energy method known as BARRAS.

April 23, 2018

Grumpy Science 120: Bob and Mark discuss the little known connection between insulin and the brain

Bob and Mark are the last few members of a dying breed of system physiologists, marked for extinction by academic administrators as a key part of their evil plan to extinguish any sense of The Larger Picture in modern medical research. After spinning out some grumpiness, they discuss the little known connection between insulin and the brain, systems physiology, and brain-body feedback loops.